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Status list

Payout Statuses

Payout status defines the stage of transaction. The status can be transitional and final.

Payout Flow

Status Code Final Description
created The invoice has been created; processing has not started. If Kuna does not return response 201 (Created) HTTP status code on your request, you should admit that the payout invoice creation was failed.
terminated The transaction was cancelled by the user before the processing started.
expired The invoice hit the lifetime limit without successful processing.
process_pending Process still being unknown and may not be known for an extended period.
processed ✔* Processed successfully.
partially_processed Successfully processed amount is less than the invoice amount.
canceled The transaction was cancelled, the payout amount was charged back in full.
partially_canceled Canceled and returned amount is less than the initial invoice amount.
process_failed Processing has failed, may be set when an error occurs and the corresponding payout request has failed. This status is considered final due to the maximum number of attempts has been reached (default—after 5 attempts).

* — The status is considered as final, but the payout can be canceled for additional reasons and charged back by participants in the payment system (banks or PSPs).

What if you checked that the entered data and settings are correct, but the transaction is not processed, or the connection gives an error?

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Payout Identifiers

At different stages of the payout made, the identifiers are processed with different names. Check the relations between them in the diagram below.

Identifiers' Linking


Receiver Reference Number (RRN) and Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) are used only for card payments' identification.